Table of Contents
Teams can be classified as Public or Hidden. This setting impacts what external users see in the web and mobile Directory.
Public Teams
Public teams are visible to all ExpertConnect users, including customers and other company's advisors, in the Directory. This means that anyone with the app can search for your company, find your public teams and create a ticket with the team.
Hidden Teams
Hidden teams are not visible to external users. Hidden teams are only visible to your dealership's advisors and any contacts that have been invited to create tickets with the team. Specific contacts, including customers or external advisors, can be invited to create tickets with a hidden team using the Invite to Team feature in the Manage page under Team Settings.
- People can also create tickets with a hidden team by knowing the VoiceHub number or EmailHub address and initiating a ticket from those sources. The team visibility is only specific to the ExpertConnect Directory.
- Any internal advisors for your dealership can find and create tickets with an internal team.
To Edit Team Visibility
- Go to the Manage page
- Click into the Team Settings
- Scroll down to Visibility toggle under Edit Team

Web Directory
On the web dashboard, users can navigate to Contacts > Teams and search by company or team name.

Mobile Directory
On the mobile app, users can navigate to Contacts > Companies and search by company name.