Your user profile allows you to modify settings that are important to how ExpertConnect will work for you. Review the following details to make sure your settings are set up for optimal use. To find your settings, click the dropdown in the upper right and select "User Profile".
Now we will review what settings you may want to change when setting up your User Profile.
- Choose a profile image to more easily identify who you are in ExpertConnect.
- If you ever need to update your primary phone number, select the "request change" button. This will allow you to provide the information to make the change, and if the number is not already in use by another user will save to your account. If it is being used, advisors will be prompted to create a ticket with the Customer Success team.
- If you have a secondary desk phone, add that number here. Note: We don't recommend using desk phones as mobile devices over Internet calling performs best. Read more.
- Choose the length of time that you want to delay before dialing your extension.
- Confirm your first name, last name and work email. We recommend verifying your email address by clicking on the link sent to you during sign-up. You will see the "Verified" checkmark if your email is setup properly. This will allow you to login with either your mobile or your email address.
- Enter your John Deere User ID, which is required for login and CCMS case escalation.
- Add your title for easy reference internally.
- If you are on more than one ExpertConnect team, choose which team is your primary/default team.
- Choose your preferred language.
- Set your email signature. This signature will be unique to you and will show with each email you send from EmailHub.
Calling preferences are one of the most important settings in your User Profile. This indicates which devices will be rung when customers call your VoiceHub number. When you have Ring Mobile App enabled, your mobile device options will show in that section. This means your mobile device will first be rung over internet, but as noted, if there is not a connection available, the device will ring via your cellular network.
Under other calling options, we highly recommend ringing your web dashboard if you are going to be taking calls from your desk. As noted in step 1, we do not recommend ringing a secondary desk phone.
Each advisor has the ability to establish and manage their own connection(s) with MyJohnDeere using their X ID. This will allow you to pull JDLink information into a ticket and begin an RDA session. Learn how to connect here.
Here you can toggle off your SMS messages. Having this on will stop text notifications, and you will only receive notifications via the ExpertConnect app.
When updating your User Profile settings, make sure to hit the relevant "update" buttons so that your settings will change.